MC Power is currently constructing Stage 1 of a greenfield 12.4MW grid connected natural gas fuelled power plant in the Northern Territory.
The project is due for construction completion in February 2021 and will produce approximately 104 GWh per annum. Emissions from the plant will be over 25% lower than the average of other NT gas generating assets. The Hudson Creek Power Station will be the first privately owned grid connected gas generation plant in the Northern Territory and will add vital grid stability to the key Darwin-Katherine network.
100% of the energy generated will be purchased by Rimfire Energy, a privately owned electricity retailer in the Northern Territory, pursuant to a 15-year Power Purchase Agreement. The provision of competitively priced generation to Rimfire will facilitate lower prices to consumers and business in the NT and support a more competitive market. There is potential for a Stage 2 expansion of a further 12.4 MW.