Institutional Investors

Our interests align with our investors, and we invest alongside our clients, delivering exceptional outcomes and opportunities.

Merricks Capital has strong, long-term relationships with some of the world’s largest global institutional investors and has developed strategic alliances with market-leading investment specialists.

Get in touch to see how Merricks Capital can grow your investment.


Current Investment Strategies

We believe there’s always an opportunity. It’s just a matter of execution. Merricks Capital is a pioneer in adapting its business to suit the opportunity set and striking while there is still significant market dislocation.


Agriculture Finance

Our strategy is driven by understanding the fundamentals that drive investment returns, asset values and risk mitigation. Our strategy focuses on providing credit capital on a senior secured basis, protecting capital from loss while benefiting from the cash yield from food & fibre production and the upside in underlying land values.

Commercial Real Estate Finance

Our strategy is to identify identify opportunities resulting from changing market dynamics and regulatory changes, which have seen the major Australian banks materially reduce their exposure to property finance, leading to a void in the lending market.

Specialised Industrial and Infrastructure Finance

Our strategy focuses on providing investors with unique energy infrastructure opportunities in both the renewables and traditional energy generation sectors. Investments are sourced through strategic relationships, including grid-connected and behind-the-meter opportunities across the capital stack.


Institutional Investment Opportunities


Merricks Capital acts as a trusted fiduciary manager for domestic and global institutions by offering discretionary investment mandates.

These mandates give institutions the opportunity to specifically target particular sub‑sets of the core assets Merricks Capital originates, structures and manages. The mandates also define any specific risk and/or return parameters they deem appropriate for their underlying investors.

Discretionary mandate partners are given a priority allocation in debt facilities that meet the mandate criteria and will often also be given the opportunity to upsize their investment in a particular facility where appropriate.

In the vast majority of cases, mandate investors will be lending alongside the Merricks Capital Partners Fund, within individual facilities, maintaining a strong alignment of interests between the principals of Merricks Capital (who are invested in the Merricks Capital Partners Fund) and our mandate partners.

Merricks Capital offers long term capital partnerships to domestic and global institutions, via co-investment opportunities, in individual debt facilities.

Our Institutional Co-Investment capital partners are similar to our mandate partners, in that they value our ability to source, structure and manage specific investment opportunities, but are unable to provide a discretionary mandate.

Co-Investors will lend alongside Merricks Capital, after the Merricks Capital Partners Fund and our discretionary mandate allocations have been exhausted, in individual facilities. This ensures alignment of interest across all the participants in any particular loan facility.

We also offer individual wholesale / high net worth investors, who are invested in, or considering investing in the Merricks Capital Partners Fund, the opportunity to co-invest in specific facilities, in order to increase concentration in some assets, rather than the diversified exposure of the Merricks Capital Partners Fund.

The additional benefit of Merricks Capital’s long term institutional capital partnerships, is that wholesale investors in our Merricks Capital Partners Fund, are given the unique opportunity to invest alongside some of the world’s largest and most sophisticated institutional investors.

Merricks Capital invites you to invest alongside us.

The Merricks Capital Partners Fund is a diversified private credit fund that offers wholesale investors the opportunity to participate in our current investments.

Our investment strategy is focused on the dislocation in lending markets resulting from changes in bank lending practices.

With senior secured loans across the Commercial Real Estate, Agriculture and Specialised Industrial and Infrastructure sectors, the Merricks Capital Partners Fund provides investors with consistent returns while offering low volatility and a modest risk profile.

The Merricks Capital Partners Fund has generated 10.1% pa since inception (as at 31st December 2023) with low volatility and a modest risk profile.

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The Merricks Capital Agriculture Credit Fund is a private credit fund that offers wholesale private and institutional investors the opportunity to participate in our current Agricultural investments in Australia and New Zealand.

Our investment strategy is focused on the dislocation in lending markets resulting from changes in commercial bank lending practices.

With limited competition outside the commercial banks, we consider there to be a significant opportunity to deploy alternative credit and achieve strong risk-adjusted returns through our asset-backed investment philosophy.

The Merricks Capital Agriculture Fund provides senior secured loans backed by hard assets across a range of sectors within the agriculture supply chain, generating 11.2% net annual return (at December 2023).

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Key Contacts

Matthew Kearney


Camelia Seric


Ali Groch


Kristine Jacinto